dvzllek a newperspective.gp-n! Az oldal az egyetlen, jelenleg is mkd, magyar Panic! At The Disco-val foglalkoz rajongi honlap. Itt mindent megtudhatsz a bandrl, s persze van nhny plusz extra is. Az egyttes jelenlegi tagjai Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes s Spencer Smith. Nzz krl, kukkants be a mdia s a Panic! rszlegbe, s rezd jl magad :) Remlem, elnyeri a tetszsedet az oldal, s megszereted ezt a fantasztikus bandt. Vrlak vissza.
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Brendon Boyd Urie 1987 prilis 12-n szletett Las Vegasban. nekes, tud jtszani gitron, zongorn, basszusgitron, s harmonikn is. Jelenleg a Panic At the disco tagja, ahova eredetileg gitrosnak jelentkezett. Az egyttesnek hrom lemeze van, az A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, a Pretty. Odd s a Vices & Virtues. Brendon feltnt tbb FoB klippben, s nhny kisfilmben is. Jelenleg a Panic at the disco 4. albumn dolgozik. 2 nvre (Kara, Kyla) s kt btyja van (Matt, Mason). Menyasszonya Sarah Orzechowski.
Spencer James Smith 1987. szeptember 2-n szletett Denverben. A Panic! At The Disco dobosa. Egyike volt az alapt tagoknak, s a P!ATD eldjben, a Pet Salamanderben is jtszott Ryan Ross s Brent Wilson trsasgban.
Dallon James Weekes 1981. mjus 4-n szletett Salt Lake Cityben. A The Brobecks nev egyttes alaptja, s miutn vekig a Panic! At The Disco turnzensze volt, 2012-ben hivatalos tag lett, s rszt vett az j lemez munklataiban. Basszusgitron jtszik. Felesge Breezy Weekes, s kt kisgyerekk van: Amelie s Knox.
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Jonathan Jacob Walker 1985. szeptember 17-n szletett Chicago-ban, s itt is ntt fel, gy az egyetlen, az eredeti (2.) felllsbl, aki nem Nevada llamban tlttte a gyerekkort. 2009-ben hagyta al az egyttest Ryan Ross trsasgban, hogy a The Young Veins egyttessel foglalkozzon. Azta szlelad, tbbnyire Chicago krnykn ad koncerteket. Mieltt ismt zenlni kezdett, Costa Ricn tlttt pr hnapot a felesgvel, Cassie-vel, s az llatait is magval vitte. :)
George Ryan Ross III. 1986. augusztus 30-n szletett Las Vegasban. A Panic! At The Disco alapttagja, s eredeti nekese volt, mieltt Brendon Urie csatlakozott hozzjuk. Elsdleges dalszvegr s gitros. Gyerekkortl kezdve ismerte Spencert, akivel legjobb bartok voltak. 2009-ben hagyta el az egyttest. A The Young Veins ta nem sokat lehetett rla hallani, tbbnyire ms eladk dalaiban segdkezik pl. William Beckett, More Amor.
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![](//newperspective.gportal.hu/portal/newperspective/image/gallery/1320582117_80.png) ![](//newperspective.gportal.hu/portal/newperspective/image/gallery/1324227851_31.png)
2/15 foglalt.
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www.deviantart.com kpek.
www.patdnewssource.tumblr.com hrek
www.thesameband.livejournal.com hrek
www.patdbr.com kpek
Az oldal nem ll kapcsolatban se a kiadval, se a Panic! at the Discoval. Csak egy rajongi honlap, melynek clja, hogy minl tbben megismerhessk az egyttest, s a magyar rajongk rtesljenek mindenrl, ami a bandval trtnik. Az oldal designjait n ksztem, az rsok (rdekessgek, adatok, cikkek) is tlem szrmaznak, ezrt msolni szigoran tilos. A videk sajt gyjtsek, a letltseket a magyar trvnyek szerint 24 rn bell trlnd kell a gpedrl. Minden hang-, vide- s kpanyag a Panic at the Disco, a Fueled by Ramen, a Decaydance, a Friends or Enemies s az egyb cgek tulajdona. Megrtsedet ksznm.
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Lying is the most fun...
2010.07.30. 11:47
Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it.
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch his skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So I guess we're back to us, oh cameraman, swing the focus
In case I lost my train of thought, where was it that we last left off?
(Let's pick up, pick up)
Oh now I do recall, we were just getting to the part
Where the shock sets in, and the stomach acid finds a new way to make you get sick.
I hope you didn't expect that you'd get all of the attention.
Now let's not get selfish
Did you really think I’d let you kill this chorus?
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
Dance to this beat
Dance to this beat
Dance to this beat
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Dance to this beat
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Dance to this beat
And hold a lover close
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster
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